With a looming redundancy at the end of furlough, I am once again going to be looking to fulfill a vacancy, hoping with each application to be “the chosen one”.
St Matthias gets a spot in the big league in today’s readings and his very own feast day, congrats Matthias! My heart, however is far more drawn to Barsabbas….the “also ran”, his story is so much nearer my own experience, and probably nearer yours.
I had a ton of interviews last year, so many times I heard the words “ They really loved you, it was a tough decision but….” It could have been crushing, and I confess I did allow myself a few spells of wallowing (who wouldn’t right?) but always I was drawn back to the place where I was in fact chosen, even with my lack of proficiency at Microsoft excel!
The position I am employed for, is strangely one you have been selected for too. Friend of God is a lofty position and I hope to remain in the love of my employer so HIS joy may be in me. My job spec is to bear fruit, not just any fruit but fruit that will last, and to love as I am loved. It will, I think take me a lifetime to become good at this. That’s ok, He invests in me daily, my own development is as important as my productivity and He is the most patient of Directors who never fails to lead by example.
So maybe Barsabbas didn’t get the headline act, but there would have been a specific work the Lord had in mind, something that brought Just as much Glory to God, Just as much Joy to the saviours heart, through his acceptance of what he WAS. being called to do.