Two weeks Away on pilgrimage in Poland and Lithuania but only one small piece of hand luggage permitted. Things were put in the rucksack, then things were taken back out. Travel toiletries yes that’s an answer. Bath towel hmmm small microfibre hand towel would do. Shoes though..one pair on one pair off. 14 pairs of underwear plus spares ? Nope, gonna have to wash and go.
To be honest I was dreading surviving without those creature comforts, but the decision process was an interesting glimpse into just how little I really needed. After a few days walking even the small amount of stuff became a hindrance, something extra to be concerned about when just getting to the end point of the day was enough to contend with. Trying to squeeze everything back in every morning became a chore and bit by bit stuff was left behind at each stop. I guess there’s something in that.
Jesus sends the disciples off in this passage with very little. No food, no
Spare tunic, just enough grace to trust in His providence and a pair of sandals.
In truth every pilgrimage that has involved a bit of roughing it has brought an abundance of spiritual gifts that the comfortable trips never have. What is it with the travelling light on a pilgrimage but more importantly in life that allows us that deeper encounter with God?
Some thoughts..
Firstly when the distraction of “stuff” is removed, choices are simpler. Think of how much head space is occupied each day with the choices we have to make, even the tiny ones. We often confuse choice with freedom but it is more often a source of anxiety and confusion. When we choose to walk with God the choices have largely been made before us and though the path looks narrow there’s less option for deviating. There’s some comfort and security to be found in that.
What about those things we hold on to “just in case”, I have a few cupboards full of these. Perhaps what I’m actually saying is “deep down I don’t trust you will provide, that You won’t know what I need to journey with you, Lord”. I have been in plenty of homes of chronic hoarders to know if you are travelling life burdened with too much stuff, you aren’t travelling anywhere far or fast, it’s a prison, the ‘stuff’, the bars.
It’s not just physical things we learn to let go of on life’s pilgrimage. There will be people too and this is perhaps the hardest part. Not all those we love will be travelling at our pace. When we hold on too tight to people we can hold them back or bring our own journeys to a standstill. Hold them tightly in your heart but not in your hands. Maybe you are treading a path for them to follow on. They will catch up in His and their own time. If you are called to run to Him then run, the slow measured pace neither satisfies your need for Him, nor His desire for you.
The more we let go or leave behind the freer we become. Less stuff = more God.
The decision to trust he’ll provide all you need is rich, heavenly currency that purchases the best of Journeys.
This is the way to arrive, exhilarated from the sprint, flushed and joyful from the journey. The goal I’m sure is to fall into His arms at the end of our pilgrimage carrying nothing only a heart filled and stretched beyond a human capacity and with very empty pockets.
#emptypockets #mark6 #gospel #scripture #gospelreflection #sundayreadings #15thsunday