I have a fire in my belly today, to do just this, to shout about your God and about my God. My high mountain might just be standing on a chair and maybe no one is listening, but for today there is no fear and my voice is loud and joyful. It’s been a tough month here re-evaluating the project and seeing where we need to make changes. Change is painful, it’s easy to become attached even glued to the work of God and forget the God of the work. Mission work calls for a pure heart, our intentions have to be for Him who called us, when our hearts wander, when our attention drifts he’s quick to bring us back into sharp focus.
The beauty of this is that we are able to rekindle our first love, the one our hearts were yearning for before we knew how to even spell desire. So if you’ve been looking into those empty tombs for fulfilment lately let me shout from my chair to you “here is your God”. He’s right beside you, calling you back, pursuing you, reaching His mighty hand towards your face and gently pulling it back to meet His Gaze.
“Much-Afraid smiled and answered, “Why, yes, of course, I was forgetting,” and she knelt down there in the wood, put a pile of stones together and laid sticks on them. As you have noticed, altars are built of whatever materials that lay close at hand at the time. Then she hesitated. What should she lay on the altar this time? … Then she leaned forward, placed her heart on the altar and said…, “all that is in my heart is thine.”
(Hinds’ Feet on High Places, Hannah Hunard).