We are spending the next six weeks at our Weekly Nicodemus bible group reflecting on the meals Jesus shared in Luke. Here’s the first for you
“Do you have anything here to eat? They gave him a piece of broiled fish and he took it and ate it in their presence”.
Two points struck me from this passage,
That Jesus was hungry
That this time, he ate alone.
I’ve had to sit with both for some time.
You see, for several reasons I don’t think Jesus was physically hungry, the first being that he had just shared a meal with Cleopas and friend before appearing here in front of the 11. We are told that our Emmaus friends came straight over to tell everyone what had happened and as they were still talking about it, Jesus appears. That indicates quite a short spell of time.
Jesus is also resurrected, whilst flesh and blood…oh and bone, I think those basic physical needs would have been insignificant, (bearing in mind he spent 40 days fasting too) unless there was a point to be made.
Also He has just appeared miraculously in a locked room, appeared and disappeared and much other impossible stuff. Would He really have arrived starving and hoping there were some leftovers in the upper room? These were a bunch of guys He knew well, there was a big chance there would be no left overs with these men at the table.
Our need for food is one of the ways we were created to have a dependency on God. Another way we can be blessed and drawn in. As Jesus is God, this is something that was unnecessary now in his resurrected state.
So predominantly Jesus eats because He wants to underscore the fact that He is flesh and blood, already proven by offering His wounds for examination. I think there’s more. I think that Jesus asks for food because he’s pointing to a hunger, but not for the food.
Jesus is hungry for their acceptance and belief in His resurrection.
Jesus is hungry for their faith to be deepened and strengthened.
Jesus is hungry for their willingness to bear witness to this truth.
Jesus is hungry for them to embrace the grace He has just laid down his life for.
And I think Jesus is hungry for those things still from us today
The second point is that Jesus eats alone, the others have already eaten, we don’t hear they rush off catch and cook a fish, they bring out some leftovers. Some years back their journey started with Jesus calling out “Friends have you got any fish?” to which they answer “No” Now these three years later they clearly do.
All their physical needs have been met, but here they are holed up in a little room. I think they were aware of a hunger too, but not one that even the best fish supper could satiate. Like Jesus this hunger was not for food. This was just the start of being hungry for the giver not just the gifts.
Hungry for some meaning to all they had just witnessed on Calvary
Hungry for hope, for answers, maybe it seems for proof.
And like the disciples I think perhaps we are too living some of that same hunger today.
So whilst we can glance over this passage as almost a ‘slipped’ in extra story repeating the need for proof of His resurrection, I think there are some deep needs being met between Jesus and those who would take this story to the ends of the earth….and I think those needs are as true today in us and in The Lord as it was then in a little room in Jerusalem.
C.S, Lewis once said “Our best havings are wantings”
What joy is found in hunger when we know exactly who is needed to fill it.
Are you aware of a hunger for more Jesus in you?
What does that look like in your life? How do you feed it?
What can you find yourself using instead of the real thing
How are you satiating Jesus’ hunger for you right now?