Lot has settled just outside of Sodom, and Abram and his tribe carries on. A war breaks out between four and five kings, they take everything from Sodom including Lot and his family. It was customary for those who had lost an invasion to become slaves to the conqueror. This was Lots future.
The news reaches Abram and at once he sets off to rescue Lot. Interestingly we aren’t told that Lot requests the help of Abram. But I can imagine the relief that would have washed over him, to look up from a cell floor to see the face of family. We aren’t told of gushing gratitude from Lot and he soon returns to Sodom.
We have here the first indication of a Priesthood, the sharing of Bread and wine, a blessing and a tithe. All without any scriptural background information. Some scholars say Melchizadek was in fact Shem and others that it was Jesus Christ himself. We won’t know for sure until we reach heaven ourselves.
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