The Call of Abram.
Although this very much feels like a continuation of the story of Terah being asked to go to Canaan. Abram hears the call, clearly. The “Lech Lecha” is translated as the Call to go to himself or go for you. Abrams journey resembles every spiritual journey. First a call, then a response of the heart and a shift to follow the will of God. It is no coincidence that Abram starts in Haran, the lush fertile valley. The land provides, and as he follows the call it takes him to harder drier more trying places, all the while to strengthen his spiritual strength.
We are hearing of a much more vocal God in this chapter, there is clearly an intimate relationship building between Abram and his God. How quickly those promises are tested and the plan of salvation threatened by Abrams worldly and practical thinking. God, as faithful then as He is to those promises today steps in, not to punish but to assure there is never a time He is absent, when He isn’t all seeing.
Is this where Sarai first encounters Gods love for her as well as her husbands? Was she abandoned to Pharaohs Harem estranged from her husband crying out to the God of Abram to see her plight?