Faith isn’t just where I’m going if I live a good life.
Faith is trusting that when I sleep
That there is another morning waiting for me.
Faith is believing that however hard a day is:
That my children will grow up;
That they will be successful in their own ways;
That they will be happy –
This is my ultimate purpose.
I have to have faith in myself, that I can achieve this.
Believe me it’s hard,
We have lulls
But then the drama hits us
And I have to be pragmatic
But also imaginative
And persistent
And strong
And bloody hell I’m determined.
My faith in what is to come
Make it happen.
Faith is what people have in me too,
And I have in others.
It’s a word that is interchangeable with
We all have a role that people expect us to fulfil
There is faith invested in who we are
And who we can become.
Most of us have faith in the greater good
And the ‘karma’ of society if you will.
We want to have faith that everyone is
Good at heart and well-intentioned.
We have faith in those in power
That they will protect us and our best interests
That they will put well-being above profit
That they will lead by example
And represent us on the World’s stage.
Faith is an invisible force that drives us all
Even if we’re not aware of it
have faith that our hearts will continue to beat
That there is oxygen to inflate our lungs
And gravity to stop us floating off into space.