You come this time as a lover
With a wordless strong embrace
An intimacy made flesh by your word
A death to self by grace
I may have waited here a lifetime,
But you, an eternity for me
to be just here, held in this place
Leaving ‘I’ and absorbed into ‘we’.
To be desired by the source of my longing,
needing nothing and no one but now,
If I ever existed before this time
I am unaware, my love of just how.
Rapt in your adoration, Or Is it I adoring you?
Where do I start and where do you begin
My Lord just whom is loving who?
We can neither tear away our gaze
A jealous guarding of the other
To cast a glance another way
Would be to deeply wound our lover.
The beauty of your presence,
so close your breath becomes mine
My soul now your complete possession
As I die to all I thought mine.
Fearing to move lest I lose you,
that the spell you have cast I could break
As though one so mighty could be fragile,
that this love was not mine to take.
I grip with white fingers your purity
when for so long to even reach seemed in vain
yet you saw the invitation from my soul
when my eyes were averted by shame.
You have reached into my hardened heart
worn and weary from the searching
It is only now in my reluctant defeat
you can save me from all that is hurting.
I am then, left dwelling
in a place I don’t appear to exist
having left the world but only glimpsing
a heaven that for some hours, briefly I kissed.
Can I take myself to that place where you left me?
Recall a memory of somewhere I’ve never been?
Can I find you just where ever I am ?
Relive a promise that is yet to be seen?
In one fleeting moment of that Grace.
I am eternally found in you.
Yes, its true I’m fatally lost Lord
but what beauty to be lost within you.