I’m temping at the moment on a Christmas market, I watched today as hundreds of people of all ages and walks of life milled from stall to stall in preparation for “The season”. The focus on the reason as seemingly absent as a nativity scene set up.
The question arose in me, “How many of the people here know you Lord, More than I imagine or considerably less? If Jesus would return today to this little Christmas market how many would be welcomed as good and faithful servants? How many would not know just who had returned at all, wouldn’t even look up from their millstones?
In contrast to the twinkling fairy lights it made the outlook seem quite dark. When we stand in a place of light and look out we can see easily where the darkness lives, that when we are standing in it ourselves we can’t. Our spiritual eyes adjust to the low levels of light and it seems a normal way to exist, a life of half light and obscured clarity, it’s uncomfortable to look into brightness, we cover our eyes and look away. It appears to blind us. Only of course because we are not standing where we should be.
It can only be true clarity if the source of our light is Jesus, if there’s no charity there’s no clarity. So as I wander the Christmas market I have to wonder is just my smile, visible crucifix and reindeer earrings enough to draw people into His light. Maybe but probably not.
So while most days my heart begs Come, Lord Jesus come, I realise that with so many of my brothers and sisters still living in darkness, I have to pray He waits for the last soul to desire Him. I have to pray I don’t miss an opportunity to proclaim His love and Mercy.
When that day comes I pray no one who was to encounter His light through me will be lost. I don’t know how I can do this, but I am open to being filled with the light of the one who does.
Let’s pray to live lives that call all into readiness, not in the sense that we are paused waiting but as in we are all ready experiencing the fullness of this His gift of the present moment.