He gives orders even to unclean Spirits and they obey him” The Church was packed full for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, so we were squeezed into the entrance with the doors open so we could just about see the Sanctuary. Even with a few hundred people the silence was almost physical, the odd cough or shuffle but yes a special silence. Then from a few feet behind us by the Holy Water stoop the inhuman noises of growling grew louder and more disturbing. We all faced forward, made no eye contact and stormed heaven for the poor soul, writhing on the stone floor. Towards the end several Priests attended and the tortured soul was led away for healing and deliverance ministry. It’s comforting to believe that demonic activity is only confined to movies and fantasy fiction. In a world where only the physical is considered a certainty, we believe we need never encounter evil face to face. I can count on one hand the times I have seen or experienced manifestations of this kind, none of them are easily forgettable but they are thankfully rare. Jesus here, we read to everyone’s astonishment casts out the unclean Spirit. We could pass this off as a misunderstood epileptic fit but I think it’s rare for an epileptic to call out “You are the Holy one of God.” so let’s assume that St Mark knew his stuff. The reason it’s rare to see open manifestations is because evil lives in the dark, hidden. When we see evil, we have the common sense usually to avoid it. In this Gospel and in several other occasions Jesus calls the unclean spirit out into the light. Then he binds it and casts it out, just as His presence did in the back of the Church that day. There are many places in the world where we can see evil is dwelling if we look closely, the more subtle, the more dangerous it is. Most often it roots itself in fear and any subsequent actions can then be justified as defending rights, or justice. Evil runs rampant when “they” are considered a threat to our security, our economy, our lifestyles, our beliefs. Who are “they”? That’s the clever part you see, “They” are anyone who isn’t us, and that then entitles everyone to a ticket to hate. I wonder who “They” are to you? The Liberals or the Orthodox? The homosexuals or the heterosexuals? White People or Black People? The Muslims or the Christians or the Jews? The Travellers or the Police? The remainers or the Brexiteers? The vaxers or the anti vaxers? Whilst we live at war with “Them” we are missing that we are on the same side and Satan does his happy dance of division. Evil has free reign. There are many other gateways for evil to dwell among us, unforgiveness, pride, greed and deep unresolved wounds, rejection and occult involvement can all become strongholds for the enemy to walk in and start building. …..But here is the Good news…whatever we have surrendered can be reclaimed. Jesus has the authority, we see here in the Gospels and I have seen it with my own eyes. Jesus can and will fight for you if you permit Him. Jesus can and will dispel the darkness if invited in. Jesus will set you free if you hold up the chains and permit him to cut them. Jesus can and will cast out all that is not of Him till there is only light with no trace of shadow. This seems a good time in the history of the world to look at where we personally are offering hospitality to the Unclean. What hiding places are we protecting? Just maybe then that light of love could be shared with “them” and “they” may well become “us”.
#unbound #freeindeed #castoutunclean #gospel #gospelofMark #SundayScripture #reflection #Jesus #walkinthelight #christian #Catholic