Sunday’s reflection:
“…And so will your God rejoice in you.”
I often fall into the trap of imagining God rolling his eyes at me, frowning or something similar, and whilst I know I’m loved, deeply and completely, the thought of being rejoiced in sits uncomfortably.
I think it’s because in my head it comes with an expectation, a standard to be held that I know I don’t often, if ever, meet. But here it is …as a bridegroom rejoices in His bride.
How does a bridegroom rejoice in his bride? He knows her, he’s chosen her, he has chosen to lay down his life to protect and cherish her, all he has is given to her and he waits at the altar for her, vulnerably hoping for her yes, for her acceptance of all he is. What rejoicing happens in his heart, when finally after all the pursuing she walks towards him ready to hand herself totally into his care.
It’s just the yes, the ok I’m coming Lord, that soars the bridegroom’s heart. Not what I’ve done to earn the opportunity, whether I deserve such an honour, but because I know I don’t, and because he sees in me something worthy.
Maybe the day I’m comfortable with his rejoicing in me, I would have lost the awe of such a bridegroom, but we are never more beautiful than being held in the eye of our beholder. All that we can do is try not break his heart and run to meet him at the altar where he waits for our “ I do”