32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Mark 12:38-44

As a parent you will gather a lot of treasures, worthless to anyone other than you the recipient and in years to come, they will never make an appearance on Cash in the attic but their worth increases as the years go on.
Cyclops the angel (pictured here) is a priceless family heirloom, now framed for preservation after years of being trotted out each Christmas. There was only ever one eye, and only ever four strands of yellow hair but I still smile at her beauty. Angel Cyclops will always hold a special place in my heart because of the heart that gave it.
The Widows offering in today’s gospel held just as much value to the onlooking Jesus. He knew those meagre coins had been given to her just moments before from the poor fund of the temple. He also knew that she could ill afford to put them into the treasury to support the lavish building of the temple, but that she chose to make that sacrifice to honour God.
But It’s not the generosity of the Widow that touches me.
It’s her faithfulness and trust.
Despite the loss of her husband, she still gave all she had
Despite the missing children, she gave all she had.
Despite being reliant on the handouts from the temple, she gave all she had.
Despite the dire circumstances she trusted the God of Elijah would not let her starve, she knew she could lay it all down and her God would not let her perish. Who would have blamed her for holding a little something back? A little control in a life that held none.
The widow trusted God was close and that she was seen, no matter how meagre her offering. She trusted that what ever she gave He would accept and use. Oh my, and here we are two thousand years later and the Lord is still drawing some value from those thin coins.
So what have we put in that treasury recently? What have you laid down in faith to our Lord? Did it cost you? Did it pinch and feel at least a little uncomfortable? Did it take an act of trust ?
Perhaps you are feeling a little empty handed right now, short on time, resources, struggling with heart felt worship. Maybe all you have to offer is confusion, hurt, anger or even sin.
Then my friend offer Him just that, know that He delights to take it from you and then watch what He does with it.
#sundayreflection #gospelreflection #Mark12:38-44 #gift #bible #scripture #widowsmite #GospelofMark #coins